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Top Sales Funnel Mistakes Coaches Make (And How to Avoid Them)

Image of the Author, Janis Mjartans

Janis | Audience Monetize


5 min read

3 Funnel Building Mistakes Coaches Make

3 Funnel Building Mistakes Coaches Make

I've built dozens of funnels, landing pages, and membership platforms over the years, and I've noticed a few recurring patterns. Coaches and creators come to me after they've tried everything - spent months building out their sales funnels, running ads, creating content, and still… crickets.

You see, funnels aren’t just about pretty pages or having a product to sell. There are three huge mistakes that coaches make, usually before they find me, and these mistakes keep them from hitting that 5-figure month they’re after.

Let me break down the three funnel mistakes that I’ve seen over and over again, and more importantly, how you can avoid them.

Sales Funnel Mistake 1: Overcomplicating the Funnel

Sales Funnel Mistake 1: Overcomplicating the Funnel

One of the first things I noticed after clients came to me was that their funnels looked like a maze. They had multiple steps, ten upsells, six different email automations, etc.

All to sell a $200 product!

Here’s the problem: Too many steps kill conversions. A prospect comes in looking for a solution and is instead thrown into a web of distractions. They leave without ever getting to your offer.

The fix: Keep it simple: a simple funnel that works is better than a complex funnel that confuses. Start with a single lead magnet or free offer, nurture them via email, and then take them to a clear call to action (like booking a call), and guide them straight to a one-on-one consultation. You don’t need to do everything at once, especially if you’re selling high-ticket services.

Sales Funnel Mistake 2: No Follow-Up Plan

Sales Funnel Mistake 2: No Follow-Up Plan

Another thing I noticed is that a lot of coaches thought the work was done once someone entered their funnel. They'd run some ads, get a few people in, and expect the sale to just happen. And when it didn’t, they’d wonder why.

Here’s the problem: No one buys on the first click. Your leads need nurturing. They need to know you, trust you, and see you as an expert before they hand over their credit card. The reason your funnel isn’t converting? You’re not following up with the people who showed interest.

The fix: Automate your follow-up. After someone opts into your funnel, send them a series of emails with value. These emails should demonstrate your expertise, address their pain points, and gently guide them toward a call. Tools like GoHighLevel or ActiveCampaign can help you set up these follow-up sequences automatically, so you're not leaving money on the table.

Sales Funnel Mistake 3: Targeting Everyone, Speaking to No One

Sales Funnel Mistake 3: Targeting Everyone, Speaking to No One

I'm going to be honest - this is still something I sometimes struggle with when it comes to my own offer.

And this one is a classic - coaches would come to me with a funnel that was technically built, but it had one big issue: it was speaking to everyone, which meant it was speaking to no one.

Here’s the problem: If your funnel messaging is too broad, your potential clients won’t feel like you understand their specific needs. They’ll think you’re just another generic coach, and they’ll move on.

The fix: Niche down. One of the first things I do with clients is identify who their offer is really for. If you’re a fitness coach, are you targeting busy moms who want to lose weight, or are you going after high-level athletes? The more specific you can be with your messaging, the more likely your audience will resonate with you. Tailor your funnel to address their specific pain points and desires.




After building funnels for so many coaches and creators, I’ve learned that avoiding these three mistakes can be the difference between a funnel that flops and one that brings in high-ticket clients on repeat. By simplifying your process, automating your follow-up, and honing in on your niche, you’ll see the results you’ve been chasing.

Need help building a high-converting sales funnel?

Want to avoid any costly mistakes and start converting more leads into high-ticket clients? For a limited time, I’m offering a free 1:1 strategy call to personally walk you through the steps of building a profitable sales funnel. We’ll discuss where your funnel is going wrong and how to fix it, plus I’ll give you actionable advice you can implement right away.